Borno State Chart of Accounts


Following the Federal Government's implementation of the National Chart of
Accounts in compliance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards
(IPSAS), the Borno State Government found it very necessary and timely to produce
her State Chart of Accounts, in line with the National Chart of Account. This is in line
with the IPSAS requirement in developing high-quality accounting standards for the
public sector in terms of transparency, comprehensiveness, accountability and
objectivity. The implementation of cash basis in 2014 marked a turning point in the
accounting and reporting of Government financial activities.
In order to improve on the Public Financial Management System in the State,
Government has embarked on systematic reforms like the Treasury Single Account
(TSA), Government Integrated Financial Management Information System with the
Payroll Automation System (PAS). The production of the State Chart of Accounts is
therefore very timely. This new Chart of Accounts is fully in compliance with the 52-
DIGITNational Chart of Accounts.
At this juncture, I wish to express my profound gratitude to the Borno State Chart
of Account Drafting Committee, the staff of the Ministry of Finance, Budget and
Planning, State Internal Revenue Service and indeed, the State House of Assembly for
their support, valuable hard work and advices that led to the completion of the State
Chart of Accounts.
I also wish to express my appreciation to the Honourable Commissioner
Ministry of Finance, Budget and Planning, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Finance,
the Permanent Secretary Budget and Planning and the State Auditor-General for their
support and encouragement towards the production of the State Chart of Accounts.
Finally, I wish to express my unreserved and sincere gratitude to His Excellency,
the Executive Governor of Borno State Professor Babagana Umara Zulum, who
always met our logistic demands very timely; thus making the production exercise a
hitch-free one.


Click to Download Borno State Chart of Accounts

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