Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, it is my honour and pleasure to welcome you to the 2020 Revised Budget press briefing. I thank the Almighty Allah for giving us this wonderful opportunity to brief the good people on why we now have revised budget 2020. The 2020 Budget was revised to reshape the priorities of the Government for effective and efficient implementation and for good governance, in the face of the adverse effect of Covid 19 global pandemic. Our gathering here today is principally to highlight the technical aspects of the revised budget as approved by the Borno State House of Assembly and assented to by His Excellency on 27th July, 2020.

The Original Budget 2020, as you might have been aware of, was tagged BUDGET OF RECOVERY AND STABILIZATION. This is in line with His Excellency’s solemn declaration during his inaugural address that this administration will “build on the solid foundation already laid in the 10-pact transformation agenda to take our beloved State to the NEXT LEVEL”. The 10-pact transformation agenda will consolidate on the gains so far achieved and also restore the dignity and prosperity of the State. It is an all-inclusive agenda bringing everybody on board with a view to salvage and build a virile, strong and prosperous State. This philosophy informs the policy thrust of this administration anchored on good governance, transparency, and accountability, rebuilding of infrastructure, resettlement & rehabilitation of IDPs, restoration of peace, agricultural transformation & job creation, provision of qualitative free education up to senior secondary school level, improved health care services, etc.

Download the full Press Briefing here

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